Tim Harris


Tim Harris 是個愛說故事的人。這位來自墨爾本的動作及旅行攝影師從不讓他的相片或對話浮於表面。相反,他更喜歡深入挖掘,尋找事物的意義和箇中的火花,而這也許啟發自他以前的工作 ── 一位青年工作者。我們喜歡 Tim,因為他總能夠捕捉生動的時刻 (有時會從摩托車的後座按下快門),並將每個故事中的片段和人物緊緊聯繫起來。

“I started off as a youth worker in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, which I really loved. But when I moved, I realised that really wasn’t my community anymore. So I needed to find something that would let me meet new people and see new things, and that’s what photography opened up for me. The amount of people I have met just because I own a camera is ridiculous.”

Tim Harris


小時候,大人們告訴 Tim 應該把創意留給嗜好,適時發揮。然而,這並沒有阻止他在學校學習藝術,在大學修讀電影,長大後將攝影作為他的全職工作。對我們來說,Tim 是一位敢於突破的人。他致力磨練自己,全因他相信他的手藝會為他帶來無限機會,以及更偉大的成就。


“I think the reason I shoot motorcycles and cars and cycling isn’t so much because I love those things, it’s because I get a front row seat to these subcultures, to someone else’s community. I’m excited to showcase a little of what’s happening with these subcultures – let everyone see the back deserts of Australia (and the dust)!”

Tim 的靈活Bellroy單品

“I try to be as organized as possible – especially out on shoots. My style is very ‘in the moment’ and you have to be ready. Having my Venture Sling (Camera Edition) and Tech Kit has helped me know where all my gear is, and get to it quickly. I used to use hard cases, but you can’t run up the hill with an open hard case full of lenses! Now I can just go for it.”


